Ostara – Available Now!

I know how behind I am with my challenges and keeping up with regular postings, but I will be getting back to the normality as soon as the bustle slows to a medium-crawl. <|;-) In the meantime, I did finish Ostara, send it off to the editor and get it back... and then didn't announce it when it released. This one is back to the $0.99 size, but it doesn't include the word search. Why? Well...

Ostara Wordsearch

I wanted to post something a little more interactive than a recipe or craft idea. I thought a printable puzzle was a great change of pace!

Hope you enjoy it… at this point, there isn’t an answer key for it, but if/when I get some extra time I’ll get one done. <|:-) As for Ostara, it's available through Kindle and Smashwords, soon across Nook, Kobo and Diesel as well.

Spicy Rice & Beans

A while back, a friend modified a couple of recipes to create a semi-low-cal-possibly-vegetarian version of Red Beans & Rice.

I tried it once a long time ago – before she found a short-cut in Heinz beans – and while I’m getting off my broom, I thought we should give it a try again. Well, it’ll be the first time for the girls. With Artemis’ aversion to anything shaped like her nick-name (Bean), this could be an interesting meal! <|;-) Mel’s Spicy Rice & Beans

1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup uncooked brown rice
3 cups canned diced tomatoes
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 yellow onion, diced
2 clove minced garlic
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 teaspoon hot red pepper sauce
3/4 cup water
2 cans Heinz Chili Beans (optionally drained & rinsed)

Heat oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add the rice and reduce heat to medium, to saute rice for a couple of minutes, stirring often.

Add the water, tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, garlic, spices and the hot sauce. Cover pan and simmer on low for 40 minutes. Add beans, cook for a further 15 minutes or until rice is tender and beans are heated through.

Serve with cornbread, or warmed baguette.


(I don’t know how well this recipe would double or treble, but if someone tries it, let me know! I think it would be an excellent Lughnasadh dish…)

Imbolc Giveaway

I want you all to go buy a copy of Imbolc. Of course I do… but I also want to give you something in return.

From now until February 2nd at midnight, if you purchase a copy of Imbolc from either Amazon or Smashwords, click here to send me the receipt – I’ll send you a copy of Yule in your chosen reader-format PLUS a sneak peek at Ostara, absolutely free. If you’ve already got Yule – I’ll put your name down, and send you the complete copy of Ostara when it’s ready to go. < |:^) And, if you're on Twitter or Facebook, follow/friend to retweet or share the links when they come through. There's always something waiting to be given away, just around the corner! Follow me on Twitter: bychwych
Friend me on Facebook:
Jodi Lee