New Year, No Promises

So many weird things have gone on this week, I can’t even begin to explain any of them. Okay, maybe one little try:

It’s like 2013 crammed itself into one week, and said “see ya, sucka!”

I’ve removed Morri’s Moon, Artemis’ Sanctuary and Draco’s Den from the network. None of us were using those blogs, so there was no point in having them there. After the account problems this week, it was just another bit of security to worry about, so…gone.

Still, onward, ever onward. And all that crap, right? Right.

No promises for posts or articles or activities/updates/etc. for the next while. I’m back at the editing desk, back at my writing, back at my crafting. I spent last year overwhelmed, over-stressed and frankly at the end of my tether. Getting back to my writing again helped with that. Fiction, that is… I’m taking a break from the chapbooks for a while.

My editor and I decided that we want to include Esbats in the print version, rather than releasing it as a chapbook with the others. Of course there will be a digital version of the print version as well, so at some point, it’ll be available for all the readers out there. No worries!

I am hoping to get back on the bandwagon with posts here as well. However, if it happens I’m not posting here but you’d still like to see what’s what – stop by Jodi Lee – Into the Mirror. That one is supposed to have daily content this year!

I’ve updated my crafts page again today. Take a look at what the needle’s been up to! —> LINK

Forsaken by Technia

It’s been some time since I posted anything, and definitely even more time since I’ve been able to work on the series. Unfortunately, we’ve been struck with technical issues here at the Corvidae household, resulting in the complete collapse of the computer we were using.

I don’t even have an old machine to sacrifice to Technica this time! < |;^) However, the girls' dad came to the rescue and loaned us a machine that will get us through this patch while he either fixes or upgrades (depending on my finances at the end of this month) the compusaur. I've got most of the software installed, and the rest is coming along. Once the back-up files are brought over to this machine, I'll be neck-deep in catching up. (more…)

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GOYB Week #9

What a week (plus) it’s been. I’ve been going mad trying to get everything under control with work and budgeting for Draco’s grad and the things that go along with it, as well as trying to sort out stuff we can live without after the move (one way or the other, we are going to have to be out of this house by the end of July at the latest) and time has completely slipped by.

Everything is just moving too fast now that it’s getting so close. I know there are still three months to go until she’s done, but after struggling to pay last year, with ‘surprise’ fees and costs from the school at the last minute (literally), and with the crap they’ve pulled this year already over her classes and credits, I want to be well ahead of the game. Actually, I’m still waiting for that signed piece of paper that says her internship class is the last surprise. I think it’s going to take a trip to the school, actually.

Be that as it may. There’s a chunk I need to come up with by the end of June, and this year I know her dad can’t kick in like he did with Artemis. It’s stressing, and knowing there aren’t that many avenues for me to find the cash, I keep letting it get to me, and I slip up.

In the past nine days I’ve had at least five (non-diet) colas, and a fair amount of junk food. That may not sound like much to most people, but having gone for two months with no more than four Dole Sparklers, and pretty much no junk food, I feel like I should be looking at this more as an addiction than anything else.

That being said… didn’t I promise to stop obsessing on those numbers? Yeah, I think I did. <|:^( This is an official weekend ‘off’ from writing and editing and anything Belfire related. This weekend, Draco and I are going to finish sorting/cleaning the kitchen and my room/office, and then we’re going to sit down and work out a meal plan for the rest of the month… as well as figure out what we’re going to ‘give up or start doing’ for the six weeks between Ostara and Beltaine. Healthy meal planning, and contemplation. Yep. This week our challenge is to come up with an emergency plan, a back-up in case things cause us to stumble on our path to wellness. I think the kid and I are going to have to work on that, too… it seems we’ve become each other’s sounding boards to the exclusion of a lot of other options, so… perhaps we should start expanding into the support system we know we have. Hmm. More to contemplate. Good luck this week! <|:^)