New Year, No Promises

So many weird things have gone on this week, I can’t even begin to explain any of them. Okay, maybe one little try:

It’s like 2013 crammed itself into one week, and said “see ya, sucka!”

I’ve removed Morri’s Moon, Artemis’ Sanctuary and Draco’s Den from the network. None of us were using those blogs, so there was no point in having them there. After the account problems this week, it was just another bit of security to worry about, so…gone.

Still, onward, ever onward. And all that crap, right? Right.

No promises for posts or articles or activities/updates/etc. for the next while. I’m back at the editing desk, back at my writing, back at my crafting. I spent last year overwhelmed, over-stressed and frankly at the end of my tether. Getting back to my writing again helped with that. Fiction, that is… I’m taking a break from the chapbooks for a while.

My editor and I decided that we want to include Esbats in the print version, rather than releasing it as a chapbook with the others. Of course there will be a digital version of the print version as well, so at some point, it’ll be available for all the readers out there. No worries!

I am hoping to get back on the bandwagon with posts here as well. However, if it happens I’m not posting here but you’d still like to see what’s what – stop by Jodi Lee – Into the Mirror. That one is supposed to have daily content this year!

I’ve updated my crafts page again today. Take a look at what the needle’s been up to! —> LINK